Recently, I introduced my students to #BookSnaps (think Instagram for literacy skills) and my students loved them! After watching an incredible introduction to #BookSnaps by the incredible Tara Martin, I decided to use them with my students. The reading focus for our basal reader was sequencing. There was a boring worksheet that accompanied the reading where students would list all the sequencing words they found in a very short paragraph.
I decided to expand on this idea, and take the learning a little deeper by teaching the children about #BookSnaps. Students were asked to find an example from any text where the author employed sequencing words to explain something. Students dug through our basal reader, library books, and other texts until they found a couple of examples. Then, using the camera feature on their Chromebooks, took a photo of the page. While in Google Slides, students then added arrow to the photo to literally point out sequencing words they discovered. As a final touch, students added emojis and graphics related to the text. The students then presented their findings in small groups, while their classmates gave constructive feedback. The results were exceptional, and the kids could not wait to use this technique again!